Work with me

I want to inspire you to feel, look, and live better, in line with more holistic approaches, and with habits that will last. A big part of that is, of course, training and eating better. And last but not least, I would like to inspire you to increase your confidence and push you to challenge yourself.

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Functional Nutrition Coaching

Certified Nutritionist Badge

I thrive on the low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, however, it does not mean that you will! Eventually, you will learn how to be intuitive with your food choices and how you can optimize your nutrition with your goals. I can help you with that.

Initial Assessment

Meal Plan

While I understand that ‘healthy’ actually means something else to each of us (as it is related to epigenetics, body type, overall lifestyle), I will always advise you to use real food – nutrient-dense, whole ingredients which you can easily find at your local supermarket.

I will give you examples of recipes loaded with nutrients in order to help you feel nourished and satiated.

Eating Plate Composition

I will provide a guide for creating healthy and balanced meals.

Kitchen decluttering / makeover

A healthy kitchen provides the foundation for a healthy diet, which leads to a healthy gut and your and your family’s overall optimal health. Your kitchen should contain foods that nourish you rather than harm you. If you fill it with unhealthy foods, you will eat unhealthy foods, no matter how strong your willpower is.

I will suggest Pantry Essentials and help you to toss the unhealthy “health” I will suggest Pantry Essentials and help you throw away the unhealthy “health” foods.

Sports Nutrition

I will advise you on optimizing nutrition and supplements for exercise and sports performance.

Family Nutrition

I will help you with creating a balanced family meal plan. Family mealtimes, the culture and communication around food, and the nutrition the food provides is also a relevant factor in keeping your family healthy.

It's never too early to start talking about healthy eating behaviors in our children. Nutrition for children follows the same principles as nutrition for adults, such as a need for vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Children, however, need different amounts of specific nutrients at different ages.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Nutrition

Given the fact that I have been pregnant five times, I know that eating a healthy diet during your pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. After all, the food you eat is your baby's primary source of nutrition.

I will provide you with pregnancy nutrition tips to promote your baby's growth and development.

I will advise you on your postpartum nutrition plan to nourish your body with nutrient-dense food after giving birth.

Nutrition and Menopause

I will give you practical recommendations for adjusting your lifestyle and diet during menopause.

Follow-up Consultations

Functional Training

Certified Yoga Teacher Badge

I have been living an active lifestyle my whole life. Being a competitive athlete in my adolescent years, I have learned that combining the right mindset with good training habits and a healthy lifestyle can help you improve your sports performance and become your very best!

My Method

As a certified yoga teacher, I know how important one’s posture is. Sometimes it is good to start with pure movement to recall what your optimal movement is, target core muscles of the abdomen and lower back as these are crucial to proper posture.

Functional training utilizes exercises that focus on your stability, strength, and mobility.

I can recommend you the right exercise regime and exercise type for your body type and your fitness goal. I like to integrate all kinds of exercises, including yoga, pilates, barre, strength, and cardio training.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Training

I will recommend you how to adjust your training during pregnancy, including modifications for each trimester.

I will outline an optimal timeline for postpartum training.

Brand Partnerships


I will selectively work with brands that I genuinely love, brands in the health, food, and wellness space who are interested in promoting positive messages about nutrition and active lifestyle. This collaboration may include social media campaigns, recipe development, food photography, etc.

Let’s work together

If you’d like to work together, get in touch with me via e-mail and we’ll chat more.